Asur Hotel & Apartments & Villas | Assyrian Hotel

Asur Hotel & Apartments & Villas offer you a family atmosphere within a beautiful nature providing you with easy accessability, located on riverside facing a breathtaking unspoilt nature.

Asur Hotel Dalyan

          Asur Hotel & Apartments & Villas include 34 hotel rooms and 10 Apartments and 2 Villas with private swimming pools offering you a very comfortable, relaxing vacation. We can assure you that your experience is going to bring a big smile to your face each time you look back into your memories.

            Asur's work ethic is to give the utmost importance to its guests' comfort as well as safety. Asur is located right by Dalyan river which finds its source from Köyceğiz lake, overlooking the famous Lycian Rock-Tombs and Kaunos ancient ruins, you can easily take a boat trip to the famous 4.5 km long Iztuzu beach covered with beautiful warm sand whilst navigating your way through the maze of reeds. You may see Caretta Carettas (Sea Turtles or Loggerheads) poking their heads up to the water surface whilst your breathtakingly beautiful excursion. Also otters may surprise you, who knows when they appear and pave their way back to the Dalyan river. Remember , once you know Dalyan, your heart will slip its way out to the river and there with your each return you will find both your soul and body nesting on the lap of the beautiful nature here at the Asur in Dalyan peninsula.

What Asur offers to its guests;

    Asur offers its guests free fresh pool towels each morning. For every check-in, guests are offered tea and coffee making facilities and they are replenished each day.

       Asur pool bar is beautifully located in between the swimming pool and just accross it lies the river bank, high palm trees, beautifully sprouting flowers and a private jetty where you are given the chance to unlpug and drift away while lying on one of the randomly hanging hammocks under the scented palm trees and swing chairs all accross the garden with your book from Asur Pool Bar's rich library and your favorite cocktail from our top notch Asur Menu.  As we have already pointed out, being that our top priority is our guests joy,  we serve them with best quality food at the Snack bar starting at 12:00pm until 17:00pm. Guests may order their choice of food from the Snack bar menu.

    Guests may ask reception for more information in terms of how they can get to the Iztuzu beach and other specified boat excursions. We have lots in store.

                         What we have nearby

                                         Iztuzu Beach 3,6km 27min.

                                         Kaunos Ancient Ruins 1,17km 

                                         Rock Tombs  2km

                                         Sultaniye Hot Springs 6,2km

                                         YuvarlakÇay 20km

                                         Ekincik Bay   7,5km 39min.

                                         Kargıcak Bay 7.5km 35min.

                                         Sarsala Bay  26,3km 56min.

                                         Sarıgerme Beach 14,8km 34min.

                                         Dalaman Airport 17,8 km 36min.

                                         Göcek  28,5km 39min.

                                         Marmaris 33km 1hour20min.

                                         Fethiye 48km 1hour48min.


History of Dalyan

      The rock tombs, that are seen from Dalyan were carved in 4th century BC and used in the Roman Era. In the course of time, Kaunos had been abandoned since the port became useless because of the alluvion that blocked the way to the sea, and malaria that took place afterwards.

    Dalyan's water sources make up the beautiful habitat with a large variety of spieces.  Famous blue crabs and Nile turtles are Dalyan Canal's most lovely residants. Caretta Carettas at the Iztuzu beach, nest into the beach and lay their eggs there.

    Dalyan is home to lots of bird species, like kingfisher, hawk and beebird. Birdwatching is very popular.  Sweetgum trees growing here are famous for its oil and this oil is usually used in cosmetics.

     Mud baths are very popular and provides us with minerals alongside Sultaniye Thermals which back at the time were visited by the Ottoman Sultans, are only 20 minutes distance by boat.  Each season is beautiful but special praise to the scent of citrus flowers and later in the season pomegranate trees flourish and pomegranates are ripe enough to pick from the trees as well as oranges, lemons and mandarins.

Why wait to book a vacation to this slice of paradise , you can not fault it.



History About Dalyan

The Lycian ancient Rock Tombs carved in 4th Century BC and used in Roman Era in Dalyan are the major highlights which side the banks of Dalyan River. Dalyan River origins from Köyceğiz lake and flows right down to the Dalyan River where salt water sea greets the river where it creates a Delta.Dalyan is one of the world’s awe inspiring natural heritage . Not only does it offer beautiful serenity with spectacular views but also a summer resort on the lap of an ancient Lycian historical sight.

It has been allegedly believed that the Rock Tombs were made for kings and important people in the era expecting to be close to the God.

Within the architechture of Rock Tombs nest triangular upper facade which are carried by the columns, and the Rock-cut tombs are the major attraction points appearing as the parts of the chamber and burial chamber with the steps of the tomb chamber.

As a port city, with the development of Dalyan Delta , village has been distanced from the sea shore. This is why Kaunos nests 8 km away from the shore.

Kaunos ancient city built in BC 200, receives its name from Kaunos , the son of Miletos. During antique century, Kaunos had been a port city , derived its industry from salt production and its trade.

Although Rock Tombs are inaccessible now, visitors can easily witness these amazing carvings accross the Dalyan river on a simple boat trip within a peaceful setting. It has been agreed that whoever visits Dalyan once , cannot stop themselves from returning year after year.